Quality, Excellence, Flexibility, Professional Development and Productivity
These are PCG's key objectives to its Competitiveness and Success as an International Consulting Engineering Group
PCG Profabril Consulplano Group
In the leadership of international Engineering based in Portugal
PCG Profabril Consulplano Group
Consulting Services
PCG Profabril Consulplano Group, the largest Portuguese based Consulting Engineering Group, with 50 years of experience, is based on the cumulative track record of Profabril and Consulplano, two of the leading Portuguese Consulting Engineering companies. Presently, PCG Profabril Consulplano Group, in Portugal and abroad, with a turnover of USD 40 million and 550 staff, owns a number of operating engineering companies.
PCG’s operating companies currently provide services of engineering consultancy, management and construction supervision, EPCM, with the capacity of turnkey contracts, covering four large activity areas of engineering:
1. Civil Engineering and Urban Planning
2. Transportation
3. Industry and Energy
4. Environment
Types of Services
PCG’s companies can provide a wide range of integrated services, from the pre-investment studies up to the partial responsibility for the site execution of projects, grouped as follows:
Consultancy & Technical Assistance
Sectorial Development Plans
Project Evaluation
Industrial Technologies & Processes
Opportunity & Feasibility Studies
Site selection
Environmental Impact Assessment
Basic and Conceptual Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Architectural & Engineering Design
Updating and revamping of Industrial units
Repairing, Improving and Rehabilitating Structures and Buildings
Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Manuals
Financial Engineering
Project Management
Turnkey Type Projects
Supervision of Construction of Works
Industrial competitiveness programs such as:
RAPIS, Rapid Action for Performance Improvement Strategy
RCFA, Root Cause Failure Analysis
RCM3, Reliability Centered Maintenance
TPM, Total Productive Maintenance
MBTI, Myers Brings Type Indicator
APPRAISE, simulation of possible skills scenarios
NAS, nomenclatures of completed activities
Start-up & Commissioning
Quality Control
Materials Engineering
Inspections and Technical Audits
Evaluations and Quantity Surveying
With an international presence, PCG Profabril Consulplano Group has been developing projects in a large number of countries.
PRESENTATION PCG Profabril Consulplano Group
Quality Policy Profabril XXI