Activity fields: Engineering, technical and economic feasibility studies and financing, planning, urban and industrial architecture and licensing projects, energy and environment production projects, solid waste treatment, as well as the construction, planning, management, execution and supervision of works, "turnkey" and also industrial maintenance, coordination of real estate projects, energy management and consulting and technical assistance in these areas.

Address: Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 74, 1700-031 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: (+351) 218 459 470
Fax: (+351) 218 459 479
Email: pcg@profabril.pt

PCG PROFABRIL XXI, Engenharia, Tecnologia e Inovação, SA was incorporated in 1996 as Profabril SGPS SA., a holding company as a result of the spin-off of Profabril - Centro de Projectos SA, founded in 1963.
Activity fields: Transportation engineering - roads, bridges, tunnels, ports, airports, metros, railways, shipyards. Light and heavy industrial engineering. Civil engineering - buildings, urban infrastructure. EPCM. Renewable energy, waste to energy.

Address: Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 74, 1700-031 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: (+351) 218 459 470
Fax: (+351) 218 459 479
Email: geral@profabrilXXI.com

PCG CONSULPLANO VIATÚNEL ENGENHARIA, SA, is the merger of two companies. CONSULPLANO, created in 1965 a company of Engineering and Architecture consultants, which develops its activity in the Engineering Studies and Projects sectors, fundamentally in the various aspects of Transport Engineering, Coordination and Supervision of Enterprises, Regional and Urban Planning and Specialized Consulting, with a solid experience in these areas of intervention, and VIA TÚNEL PGF a company of studies and projects of Engineering, whose main activities have been developed since 2004 in the specialties of Structures and Sanitation and in the area of Consultancy and Supervisision of repair and reconstruction of buildings.
Activity fields: Major engineering structures (bridges, viaducts, tunnels, ports), STEP, WWTP, shipyards. Transportation engineering, motorways, highways. metro, railways. Urban planning.

Address: Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 74, 1700-031 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: (+351) 213 592 600
Fax: (+351) 213 592 610
Email: geral@viatunel.com / info@consulplano.pt
Website: http://www.viatunel.com

AGRI.PRO AMBIENTE CONSULTORES SA is a company with a highly specialized and interdisciplinary area of expertise that develops complex environmental and planning studies and projects using modern technologies, based on national and international legislation, and work according to the utmost demanding national and international procedures. AGRI-PRO AMBIENTE is integrated by an interdisciplinary, highly specialized team developing environmental planning and studies worldwide, with branches in Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Macau, Australia and Great Britain.
Activity fields: Environmental studies and planning, monitoring, management and environmental quality and environmental technologies.

Address: Rua Castilho, N.º 65 – 3.º Dto., 1250-068 Lisboa, Portugal (Headquarters);
Av. da República, N.º 2491 – 4.º Andar, Salas 42 / 43 / 44, 4430-208 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal (Northern Delegation)
Phone: (+351) 213 828 040 (Headquarters) / (+351) 223 779 430 (Northern Delegation)
Fax: (+351) 213 828 050 (Headquarters) / (+351) 223 779 433 (Northern Delegation)
Email: lisboa@agriproambiente.pt / porto@agriproambiente.pt
Website: http://www.agriproambiente.pt/

Founded in 1985 as a software house, LOGISER SERVIÇOS E SUPORTES LÓGICOS, SA had as main areas of expertise the development of calculation and design programs for Computer Assisted Engineering, especially in the area of Civil Engineering, Systems Integration, Communications and Development of information systems on relational databases, namely management information systems. With the incorporation of the Technical and Scientific Information Department of CONSULPLANO in 1996, LOGISER became the main distributor in Portugal of Technical and Scientific Information Systems in electronic format, namely IHS, Micromedex and IEEE.
Activity fields: Databases of software and international standards.

Address: Estrada da Luz, 90, 8º H, 1600-160 lisboa, , freguesia de São Domingos de Benfica
Phone: (+351) 217 122 402
Fax: (+351) 217 159 837
Email: geral@logiser.pt
Website: http://www.logiser.pt

DEFINT, SA, a multi-disciplinary firm of Consulting Engineers, was founded in 1981. The company was mainly dedicated to rendering services in the fields of Consulting, Planning, Engineering, Project Management and Operational Training, for large projects, as well as Feasibility Studies, Industrial and Administrative Organization, Plant Maintenance and Assets Appraisal.
Activity fields: Consulting, planning, engineering and project management for large projects, as well as economic feasibility studies, industrial maintenance and evaluation of assets.

Address: Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 74, 1700-031 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: (+351) 218 459 470
Fax: (+351) 218 459 479
Email: pcg@profabril.pt

DUNE INVESTIMENTOS, SA, an investment family holding company.
Activity fields: Financial and Investment services activities.

Address: Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 74, 1700-031 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: (+351) 218 459 470
Fax: (+351) 218 459 479
Email: pcg@profabril.pt

NPX - ENGENHARIA, SA, engineering consultancy company.
Activity fields: Transportation engineering, Light and heavy Industrial engineering, Civil engineering.

Address: Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 74, 1700-031 Lisboa, Portugal
Phone: (+351) 218 459 470
Fax: (+351) 218 459 479
Email: pcg@profabril.pt

PCG PORTUGUESE CONSULTING GOUP, LTD, was created in 1996 in Hong Kong with share capital of HKD 1 M. It holds presently shares of the following companies:
This Company has as its main objective to be the subholding of the PCG Group in the Far East.
Activity fields: Operational holding in Asia for industrial projects, infrastructures, energy and environment.

Address: 5/F Champion Building, 287-291 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong SAR
Phone: (+853) 283 966678
Fax: (+853) 283 372714

PAL ASIACONSULT LTD, is presently an Architecture and Engineering Consultancy company, established in Macau as Profabril in 1978 and merged with in 1998 ASIACONSULT was established in Macau in 1982 under the name as a firm of consultants, engineers, architects and financial advisors and has been since then engaged in major public and private studies and projects in the Special Administration Region of Macau.
Activity fields: Urban infrastructures and transportation engineering (airports, ports, tunnels, bridges, viaducts, railways and light rail). public and private Buildings, hotels, hospitals and transportation terminals.

Address: Avenida da República, 26, Man Tak Building, r/c, Macau SAR
Phone: (+853) 289 66 671 / 289 66 678 / 283 72 706
Fax: (+853) 283 30 310
Email: ruicernadas@palasiaconsult.com / profamac@macau.ctm.net

CEL CONSULTANCY ENGINEERING, LTD a consulting firm specialised in supervision of works.
Activity fields: Engineering, supervision of construction.

Address: Avenida da República, 26, Man Tak Building, r/c, Macau SAR
Phone: (+853) 283 22 093
Fax: (+853) 283 22 387
Email: pcg@profabril.pt

ASIACONSULT PACIFIC LTD (APL) was established in 1991 and coordinates the projects of the Group in Asia, outside Macau.
Since its foundation, APL has been targeting large scale engineering design projects in the civil, infrastructure, transportation and industrial sector in the region. Company activity has been concentrated geographically in Hong Kong, P.R. China and South East Asian countries including Malaysia. In the P.R. China the Company’s activity has very much followed the flow of investment in the region.
Activity fields: Urban infrastructures and transportation engineering (airports, ports, tunnels, bridges, viaducts and railways).

Address: with office at 5/F Champion Building, 287-291 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong SAR
Fax: (+852) 25598395

LINKCORP LTD. a holding company in Hong Kong
Activity fields: International financial holding.

Address: 5/F Champion Building, 287-291 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong SAR
Phone: (+853) 283 966678
Fax: (+853) 283 372714
Email: pcg.asiaconsult.pacific.hk@gmail.com / pcg@profabril.pt

MACAU FREEPORT LTD. a company based in Hong Kong for special projects including Turnkey Contracts.
Activity fields: Special projects in Asia.

Address: with office at 5/F Champion Building, 287-291 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong SAR
Phone: (+853) 283 966678
Fax: (+853) 283 372714

PT. PARTONO FONDAS ENGINEERING CONSULTANT was established in 1986 with the objective of serving as a professional consultant in civil engineering and its related works.
Hundreds of civil and structural engineering projects and other related scope of works have been performed by the Company, in Indonesia and abroad, for commercial buildings, industrial buildings, cement plants, long-span bridges, harbours, and other infrastructures.
Our engineering services cover civil and structure design, studies, independent proof checking, construction engineering, supervision, quality control and quality assurance, as well as investigation, instrumentation and monitoring systems.
Activity fields: Commercial buildings, industrial buildings, cement plants, paper plants, long-span bridges, harbours, and other infrastructures. Heavy structures in O&G.

Address: Thamrin Residence Blok RB No. 15, Jl. KH Mas Mansyur, Jakarta 10230 - Indonesia
Phone: (62.21) 2949-6326 (Hunting) / (62.21) 2949-6316 / 6283
Fax: (62.21) 2949-6327
Email: office@partonofondas.co.id
Website: http://www.partonofondas.co.id

PT PCG PROFABRIL INDONESIA holding of PG Group in Indonesia.
Activity fields: Renewable energy, waste to energy, infrastructures (roads, buildings, ports and airports), light and heavy industry.

Address: GD. CityLofts Surdiman Lt 11 Unit 1119, JL. KH. Mas Mansyur n.º 121, Jakarta Pusat, Indonésia
Phone: (62.21) 2949-6326 (Hunting) / (62.21) 2949-6316 / 6283
Fax: (62.21) 2949-6327
Email: pcg.indonesia.2020@gmail.com

AL ZAYANI PROFABRIL is a Company incorporated under the provision of the Joint Venture Companies Law in Bahrain, whose shareholders are: Profabril and Al Zayani Consultants.
The company is licensed to provides services and sell goods aligned with these activities:
Business Activities are regulated by Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Activity fields: Industrial projects, urban infrastructure and ports.

Address: Diplomat Tower, Office 806, P.O. Box: 11030, Diplomatic Area, Manama, BahrainP
Phone: (+973) 1 7531533
Fax: (+973) 1 7530445

LINKTECH INTERNATIONAL LTDA technology company for the Brazilian market.
Activity fields: Technology and engineering services.

Address: Av. Rio Branco 100, 11.º andar, CEP 20.040-070 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil
Email: linktech.rio@gmail.com

COBRAPI was established in 1963 as a leading engineering company offering high quality construction management, design engineering, technical consulting services and supply and maintenance engineering to the most diverse industrial sectors in Brazil and abroad.
The companies leader position in Brasil mining, metallurgy, industrial processing and related areas comes from COBRAPI’s total commitment to clients objectives, supported by a highly specialized staff, technical expertise, latest computer resources and systems and strictest quality control.
In association with PCG Profabril Consulplano Group of Portugal, COBRAPI has expanded its range of solutions to transportation, infrastructure, energy and petrochemical sectors, on a worldwide basis including extensive operations in North and South America, Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa.
Activity fields: Industrial projects, steel mills, mining.

Address: Rua Padre Eustáquio, 2818 - Padre Eustáquio - CEP 30720-100, Belo Horizonte MG
Phone: +55 31 3349-1400
Website: http://www.cobrapi.com.br/

INBRAS ENGENHARIA, a company A & G Group, is an associate in Brazil of PCG Group, a Portuguese multinational that has operated in more than 50 countries with a great emphasis on infrastructures and is part of PCG Portuguese Consulting Group.
Activity fields: Infrastructures projects.

Address: Av. Rio Branco 100, 11.º andar, CEP 20.040-070 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil
Phone: (+5571) 2105.8888
Fax: (+5571) 2105.8880
Email: inbras@grupoaeg.com.br
Website: http://www.inbrasinfra.com.br/

PROFABRIL Ingeniería, Tecnología e Innovación, SA,
Activity fields: Transportation engineering - roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, railways. Civil engineering - urban infrastructures.
